Cow and Tiger Story: एक बार की बात हें । एक गाय अपने बच्चे के साथ एक किसान कें घर में रहती थी। वह चरने के लिए जंगल जाती थी। शाम को वह अपने घर में लौट जाती थी। जब वह वापस आती थी तो उसका बछड़ा दूध पीता था।
Cow and Tiger

एक दिन गाय चरने के लिए जंगल में गई है। उस दिन जंगल के रास्ते में एक बाघ ने उसे पकड़ लिया। बाघ गाय को मारकर खाना चाहता है। गाय ने बाघ से अनुरोध किया। उसने बाघ से कहा, कृपया मुझे छोड़ दो वरना मेरा बछड़ा भूख सें मर जाएगा।
अपने बच्चे को दूध पिलाने के बाद मैं वापस तुम्हारे पास आ जाऊंगी । बाघ ने गाय के अनुरोध को सुना और कहा, “यह असंभव है। अगर मैं तुम्हें जाने दूंगा तो तुम फिर कभी नहीं लौटोगीे। ”यह सुनकर गाय ने बाघ से कहा,“ मैं वादा करती हूँ कि मैं अपने बच्चे को दूध पिलाने के बाद वापस आ जाऊँगी। बाघ तब तुम जा सकीे हो और तुम्हें जल्द से जल्द लौट आना होगा।
गाय घर वापस आती हें और अपने बच्चे को दूध पिलाती है। फिर वह जंगल की ओर जाना शुरू कर देती हें। कुछ समय बाद जब वह जंगल में पहुंची और बाघ ने गाय को आतेे देखा। बाघ भूखा था वह गाय को वापस देखकर हैरान हो गया। बाघ ने किसी भी जानवर से इतनी ईमानदारी, और नैतिकता नहीं देखी थी।
उस गाय में इस तरह की ईमानदारी देखकर वह बहुत प्रसन्न हुआ। बाघ ने कहा, मैं तुम्हें नहीं मारूंगा। आप मेरे सबसे अच्छे दोस्त हैं और मैं भविष्य में अन्य जंगली जानवरों से आपकी रक्षा करूंगा। मैं चाहता हूं कि आपके पास जो चरित्र है वह अन्य जानवरों तक फैल जाए। ये कहकर बाघ जंगल में वापस चला गया। गाय भी सूर्योदय से पहले अपने बछड़े के पास सुरक्षित लौट आई।
Cow and Tiger Story in English
A cow lived with her calf in a village. The cow used to go to the forest to graze green grass daily so that her calf would get milk.
The desire to feed more of the calf prompted the cow to graze far and wide in the forest. The cow grazing on the grass got out one day. The grazing graze reached the area of a tiger. As soon as the eye of the tiger hit the cow, he moved towards the cow. Seeing the tiger coming, the cow started getting scared, she said to the tiger, let me go, my calf is waiting for me at home. He will be hungry. Let me go today, I promise that after feeding her, I will come back here and you can eat me then.
The tiger started laughing after listening to the cow. And said – Do I look stupid? Once you leave, you will not come back, you are saying these things only to save your life. I’m hungry, I’ll eat you.
The cow prayed a lot, and cried for his calf. But the tiger didn’t consider any request of the cow. But the cow continued to plead. After all, the tiger’s mind was exhausted and he allowed the cow to go. And said that if you do not come back tomorrow, then I will come there and eat both you and your calf.
The cow breathed a sigh of relief at that time, but as she was moving towards the house, she was getting depressed as she thought about her promise. After the cow reached home, the calf was happy to see her mother and started drinking milk. Seeing the mother sad, the calf asked the reason for sadness. The cow told the whole story.
The calf listened attentively and after thinking for a while said – Mother, why was you depressed ? Tomorrow I will also go with you to the tiger.
The next day the cow and the calf walked towards the forest. In a while, they reached in front of the tiger. Now the cow was afraid of her calf life more. She was helpless. Cow said- Tiger I came according to my word. Eat me and let my calf go.
Then the calf said – No tiger, you eat me first.
The cow, while making the calf silent, said- No, no, eat me. Let the calf go.
No, say the calf and went in front of the tiger and said you need to eat me first.
The tiger laughed and said that neither I will eat you nor your mother. She kept her words and came here to save your life and on the other side you are the one who is ready to die for your mother. If I had to eat, I would have eaten the cow only yesterday. I just wanted to see if the cow fulfills her promise.
The tiger loved the calf very much. And even went their home to leave both of them.
Moral: Honesty is Best Policy
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