Fox and Crane Story: A very clever fox lived in a forest. He used to enjoy fooling others. The clever fox was friends with a crane. But the crane was a straightforward and true creature.
Fox and Crane Story

One day the fox thought why not have a little fun with the crane. Thinking this, she went to the crane and invited him to eat at her house. “Thank you! Fox, Crane said: “Thank you very much for inviting me to the meal! I will definitely come. “
On a certain day and time, the crane reached fox house for dinner. As the fox was already planned, the fox served the soup on a plate. For the fox, drinking soup on a plate was not a problem, but the crane was able to soak only the last tip of its beak in the soup.
He wasn’t able to drink soup with a beak? He remained hungry. The crane felt very humiliated. He understood that the fox had arranged this dinner only to make fun of him. Here, the fox again quipped: “Why, did you like the food or not?”
“Thank you!” The crane said: “You too invite you to come to my home for dinner.” The crane thought in his mind that he would take revenge for his insult to the fox. The fox reached the crane’s house the next day.
“I will eat very hard!” Thought the fox. The crane also prepared soup for dinner. He served the soup in a long neck jar. He put his long beak in the jar and he drank the soup a lot.
But the fox kept wandering around finding ways to drink the soup, she tried to drink it, but even after trying many times, she was not able to drink the soup. She too had to starve like the crane. Thus the crane avenges his humiliation.
Moral: tit for tat.
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