Republic Day is an important day for all Indians, we achieve purna swaraj on this day after fighting for many years with British rulers India becomes the world’s largest democratic country.

Here in this republic day essay, we will be discussing the history of republic day and how we celebrate it in India. 

Let’s get started.

Republic Day Essay

History of Republic Day

On 20 Jan 1930, Indian National Congress demanded complete independence from the Britishers. And we got our Independence On 15 August 1947 but we still don’t have a constitution and powerful political leaders which will help in the proper functioning of state affairs. Thus a constitutional drafting committee was created on August 28, 1947, to write the constitution of India in which all Indians are treated with equal rights and there will be no discrimination based on religion, culture, caste, creed, and sex. 

Dr. Bhem Rao Ambedkar was elected as the head of this committee. It takes around 166 days to complete it. After several amendments to the written constitution, it took around 2 years, 11 months, and 18 days to adopt it. On 26 January 1950, the constitution of India was implemented and adopted by the people of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was elected as Prime minister of India and Dr. Rajendra Prasad took sworn in as the first President of India at Durbar Hall in Government House and hoisted the Indian tricolor flag. This was the first Republic Day celebration.

How we Celebrate Republic Day in India.

Republic Day is celebrated on 26 Jan every year with pride and happiness. Our president of India hoists the flag at Rajpath New Delhi, with 21 guns salute along with the national anthem to our brave soldiers and freedom fighters. People from different states of India came together to see the flag-hoisting ceremony and military parade on Rajpath. It is a matter of pride to be a part of the republic day celebration on 26 January at Rajpath.

Schools, colleges, offices, and private institutions organize cultural and patriotic events one day before republic day because 26 January is declared a national holiday. students take part in cultural events to give some respect to our freedom fighters. Sweets are also distributed at the end of the event. We all can remember the pain and sacrifice of lakhs of people to achieve an Independent nation.

That is all for this essay on republic day.

Let me know how you feel about being a part of an independent and the world’s largest democratic country in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading, Have a nice day.

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